We messed around a couple of times and i felt like i was a teenager again. He had dreamy eyes and he was such a sweetheart. Well the last day i was there i found out that he broke up with fiance 2 months ago!!! I dont lkie being played with and for some damn reason i thought we had a connection. I have tried to talk to him about it and when i do he does not respond. He doesnt want to talk about it which i can respect but it bothers me because i thought i was something other than a fling. Anyways i told him how i felt last night and now he wont talk to me. Am i wrong about this. Was he just using me?? Im not sure what to think about it anymore. Help!!!
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Honey, you are trying to rationalize a mans emotional level against a woman's. It sounds to me like he may be a bit afraid to start another relationship so soon after a broken engagement... he may not want to lose you. Men don't talk about their emotions the same way that women do. He may want to take it slower and not rush into anything too serious too soon or he may be afraid that he did something in his last relationship that he dosen't want to repeat with you. Give the man some time.
heeeeeeeeeeeeey give the man a break. you cant jump in to soon. he needs you to be there for him. last time he was in a serious relationship he got hurt and now u wnat him to talk about it. these are all feelings that he is going to have to work on at somepoint for u 2 to work. but u need to be there as a friend if u wnat this to work. he needs time and maybe at somepoint he will be ready to talk about it with u. he might be useing u, but it could be for the right reasons, someone he thinks pretty, someone he has fun with, someone to hangout with and have fin with, someone that loves being around him. is that so bad of him to want those things but not to jump into another serious relationship. if i was you i would call him and apoligize, but if ur ego is in the way then u should probally move on
He was rebounding and it's obvious he doesn't want to have a new relationship right now. It has to be hard for you to accept when you obviously read something into it. You need to back off right now and realize that it's not your fault that the timing was wrong for anything serious.
Just because he broke up with his fiance 2 months ago doesn't make him a criminal or damaged goods. He's still a person. Talk to him.
been there done that....
n yes he was using u as a rebound....sorry....
but since uv already figured it out....u can save urself from more heartache n just move on.....just let him kno u r not looking for a fling u r looking for a relationship.....
n he wont talk to u cas he feels guilty......
in response to KILLINGKIDS05....no those reason u gave r not bad at all...in fact they r gud reasons....however....he didn act as just a fren....he acted as they were goin out n he messed around w/ her.....so in other words...he was leadin her on as well as using her as a rebound....now that is WRONG....
Yep. Rebound
it seems as if u were the rebound
sorry to say it i know it hurts been there
but if they had broken up and now he wotn talk to u since u brought it up then it means u were and the reason hes not talking is so that he wont feel more guilty about it
I think he was using you, Some guys don't want to have just one lady to play around with... If you know what I mean...... and you shouldn't be that other woman.