I was playing NBA 2k11 on my xbox 360, (I wasn't moving it or anything) when I was in the middle of a game and it froze and said that the disc is unreadable. I could still see the game running behind it. I turned off my xbox, took it out and saw a very minor semi-circular scratch. It was maybe covering 3 inches or so around the disc and didn't make the circular scratch all the way around. Whenever I get into a game it always freezes. So here's my question. Is there any store that would fix the disc for a minor fee or should I just throw it out and buy another one? Thanks.
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hey man just take it to gamestop they do a really good job cleaning games and i dont think it costs that much. Haha it certainly does not cost as much as a new new nba 2k11 lol
I have the same problem. This is is another fustrating issue to work around because of PS3s new security. Yet another reason I wish I went with XBOX 360. Fix #1 = Switch User, then load the game. Fix #2 = Stop your internet connection, then restart your internet connection after the game loads.
Blockbusters have a disc cleaning machine that can really help.
but you could use peanut butter as a cheap solution.
just spread the peanut butter over the disk with a napkin and then wipe it all off, intil your disc is clean.
go to gamestop they do cd buffing for a minor fee