Good day to you. What is for Sunday supper ? I wonder how different your suppers are from ours. Growing up in the u.s. mom fixed Pot roast, fried or stuffed a chicken. She even fixed yorkshire pudding at times with the roast drippings. I sure miss my moms cooking . How about you ?
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Most likely slices of cold meat with fried potatoes......My mother was a professional cook,and she taught my wife, so have had the best, all my life...
Hmm - sunday roast dinner is still very much favoured here in the UK - yorkshire puds 'n all.
But our highly variable weather does occasionally bless us with summer sunshine, when a traditional salad is preferable - or even an ozzie-type barbie.
Today, the weather's cooler than of late - with threats of showers - so eating alfresco isn't the ideal plan, even for those with easily erected gazebos or camping aficionados.
Actually, daughter No 1 has invited me over to hers for lunch around 1 pm - to join 2 grand-daughters, whilst husband is making a 450+ mile trip to/fro Wales - to collect a couple of cars bought on the internet.
Hmm - the younger ones lead VERY busy lives these days - and my point of course is that hours in the kitchen preparing a good old traditional sunday roast doesn't always fit. Most pubs offer such as a matter of course - along with 'family' amusements for kids and TV coverage of the sunday lunch-time football match. Still rather pricey and used mainly for 'special occasions'.
All such ramblings apart - can't tell you what's on the me&u today - I'll find out when I get there. A full roast would be great - but I'll gladly receive whatever.
; ))
Good evening from Australia ! I think we probably eat much the same as anyone else. Tonight was my turn to cook, and I made a slow-cooked chicken casserole with a selection of fresh vegetables in it. I served it with some mashed potato and fresh carrots. Afterwards we had a bowl of cashew nuts - yum !
PS No I don't miss my mother's cooking at all. She hated anything to do with the kitchen, but never allowed anyone else in there since, for some obscure and contrary reason it was "her territory". She cooked horrible food consistently, and that is why I learned to cook well - my way of rebelling !
U. S. here. Tonight will be left overs from last night's dinner - roast chicken with fresh picked green beans and tiny new potatoes.. Tonight it will be sliced chicken sandwich and will finish off the green beans. Dessert? Probably a peach
I often reminisce about mom's cooking, and those roast beef dinners we had on special occasions; full of good ol' fashioned fresh and fattening foods!
Today, finances and living alone prevent me from recreating those days, but I see eating now more as fueling the body, rather than a cultural event, which helps me through the loneliness.
I still treat myself out every so often, and occasionally get invited out by friends, but my normal cuisine doesn't resemble mom's!..
I never ate your mom's cooking, so I can't say I really miss it. Meanwhile I'm sitting down to a nice bowl of fish chowder and some fresh bread. Strawberries and cream to follow. Y'all have a nice day.
My Mom is still alive, and although she doesn't cook much, I still get to see some of it. I do miss my Grandmother's cooking though, he Clam Chowder, and her chicken and dumpling soup, haven't had dumplings like that in over 45 years.
Fish and chips and peas followed by rice pudding.