they are a-*******-mazing. and they are touring together so woot. they take screamo to a whole new level and i love them both. and they are dead shexy.
ok first of all, and im sure anyone with a bit of knowledge knows that those two should not even be mentioned in the same sentence. silverstein is horrible. and comeback kid is amazing. so...yeah. you need to get into more stuff like comeback kid and forget about silverstein
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they are a-*******-mazing. and they are touring together so woot. they take screamo to a whole new level and i love them both. and they are dead shexy.
ok first of all, and im sure anyone with a bit of knowledge knows that those two should not even be mentioned in the same sentence. silverstein is horrible. and comeback kid is amazing. so...yeah. you need to get into more stuff like comeback kid and forget about silverstein
i love them