If you can get to a theater near your house and ask when they'll be taking the posters for the Dark Knight down. If you go around that time and ask for one they may give it to you. Someone I know works at a theater and said they just throw them away after a while.
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its in most malls, they have the dark knight posters everywhere
thats my fave pic of the joker btw:)
If you can get to a theater near your house and ask when they'll be taking the posters for the Dark Knight down. If you go around that time and ask for one they may give it to you. Someone I know works at a theater and said they just throw them away after a while.
Try buy it off ebay?
Comic store?
Dark Night is really good
Went and saw it yesturday
But it slike 3 hours LONG?!
Worth it tho!
Maybe a game shop like Eb Games or something?
you could go to ebay, they would most likely have it. i havent seen it at any stores either