I have worked at walmart for 8 months. I have a child I need to support because I am the only working parent. However I get paid 7.65 an hour to do the following jobs around the store when I am only a cashier. I cart push, stocker, sales associate, freight associate, and my favorite Returns associate (sarcasm intended) I have a child to support and they are costly. I only make around 900-950 a month MAX. I usually make 850. I have to pay 515 for rent, 80 for electric, 30 for water, (internet is helped with by father which bugs me because i want to pay my own bills) 100 every two weeks for gas and then around 80 every two weeks for baby supplies. realize how I left out food? I CANT AFFORD FOOD? and because I receive help from my dad every now and again the state wont help with food. or anything for that matter. so im stressed ALL the time. and finding another job is impossible. so please... how can i make it so i get paid more..
Update:uhm people..... idk how you thought MIKE was a female name... but im a guy..
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BS the help from your dad has nothing to do with being eligible for food stamps and or WIC. Lets see we all make choices in life YOU choose to have a child YOU choose to not get an education so what those of us that choose better are required to pay for your mistakes? How about getting the baby's daddy to give support payments? Just take him to court. They can even take them from his unemployment or take his tax return. HE is the one that should be paying not us taxpayers. Yes I paid support after a divorce no matter what my job situation was at the time. (low paying, unemployment or high paying job) Worked full time plus, took care of my family and went to school full time to get where I am today.
Walmart Mistreatment Of Employees
You have some choices: Find a better paying job, find a cheaper apartment, or get the child's other parent to pay child support and/or get a job to help support the child.
$80 for electric is a LOT (unless that includes heat as well -- does it?) So is $50 a week for gas. Maybe you need to consider conserving and cutting back a little bit more.
This is interesting, because there are entire books written about how "Wal-Mart" operates. Claims of how female employees are bot given fair payment, and how "Wal-Mart" is a corporation that has been known for managers to lock their employees in their stores over night, forcing them to work overtime.
I have no particular advice, other than for you do a little research on the company, and learn as much about it as possible. Remember: the best way to destroy something is to hit it from the inside out!
can you talk to your boss about a raise?! say you're are doing a damn good job and deserve more.
if not, can you get a second job maybe? maybe you can waitress or something?
i know you don't want to hear this, but are thinking about going to college? you could do so much for you kid if you received a degree. i know it's hard, but you can go to night school. i'm not talking about becoming a doctor, but you can become a nurse, an ultrasound technician, or something else. you will make so much more, and yeah, you will struggle maybe a little more for the next two years, but in the long run you will be saving your kid. please take this into consideration
Try transferring to a different department at a higher paygrade, just know you may get less hours. Cut out the internet, it would save on $30 per month I'm sure. If you can't get another job, you out of luck.
i like it, she gets a million, AFTER lawyer costs she has 417,000 left, by potential of regulation Wal-Mart became ENTITLED to re coup the 450,000 they had paid for her scientific, Wal-Mart is the evil one and no marvel the grasping blood sucking trial lawyer who took a million/2 her settlement is a few paragon of charity. You libs love those legal experts and that they $$$$$ the Dem's.
u need a more paying job my grandfather worked there he hated it