ok fine,if my grammar is bad say it but u guys don't have to say it in a hurt full way.My mother tongue isn't English but i'm doing pretty well in it.I actually type my words in a short way and i got use to it by chatting.Just because you all know English well you guys don't have to scream or do what ever.if u all learn my language you would be the same but we want make fun of it because we know how it hurts.
Update:why finding faults on us?
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Answers & Comments
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Remember that on here people don't you or your history or anything about you. All they see is what you type. I'm sure if they knew your background they would be more tolerant.
English really isn't a very complicated language. The spelling of English, on the other hand, is a nightmare, even for many people who grew up with it. How did so many European languages evolve smoothly, with consistant phonics and logical spelling while English [and French,to a lesser degree] developed into what appears to have been a contest to see who could be the most creative?
It beats the stuffings out of me.
I never make fun of people who have english as their second or third language. I'm sorry that people are mean to you about it.
Keep at it and you will succeed. English may be THE hardest language of all to learn.
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