What state do you live in? & What grade are you going into? [:
I'm going into 9th grade and I start September 8th. (minnesota)
** oh and I'm not trying to be stalkerish! I'm just curios :) haha
Update:some people are really stupid. And thank you for the people who actually answered my question! :)
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I'm going into 10 th grade, live in minnesota also :) and start september 8th :)
New Jersey: September 12: 6th Grade
Australia, New South Wales went back to school after 2 weeks winter holidays Tuesday July 28th (give or take a week depending on public or private school). We finish the 1st weekend of October and have another 2 weeks holiday for Spring. Then after 10-11 weeks of school we finish the school year for 6-7weeks of holidays of summer just before Christmas :) and back in February for our next year of schooling (e.g. Year 10 goes up to Year 11). We don't have 'freshmans' or anything, we go to high school in Year 7 and finish in Year 12 for majority of schools.
I'm also going into 9th grade and I start September 1st :)
8th grade august 25 Tampa Florida.
my cousin starts 10th grade august 10 in Atlanta Georgia =]
I'm going into 9th grade, I'm nervous and excited.
I start September 8th too!=D
But Iive in New Jersey
I start on a Wednesday.
I live in WA.
I'm going in to 9th grade as well!
Ahh, good luck!
I'm kind of scared for high school.
I live in FLorida, start school on August 24th 2009, and I am going into eighth grade :)
7th grade August 25 NC
Hopefully sometime in September