he broke up with me almost 3 weeks ago for his ex girlfriend. the relationshipp with him and his ex lasted a week. now he wants me back and misses me.... He is getting anxiety attacks over it (he gets them when he is really upset) and he is like really depressed. he apologized to me. He says he will still be waiting for me even tho we are friends. he wants me back so he can call me mine. This was in a letter he gave me 5 days ago. Idon'tt know what to do. I haven't talk to him in person or on the phone since we broke up. just sorta fb messaging and now we are doing handwritten letters, cause I wasn't allowed to talk to him via fb or yahoo like a week ago. I do miss him, but I am being kinda harsh like I am not telling him that I miss him and stuff. Just saying how he hurt me and that he needs to change.
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Pshh please he dumped you for his ex girlfriend and when their relationship didn't work out he feels he can walk back into a relationship with you like nothing happen make his *** suffer don't be a welcome mat that'll just open a lane for more BS to happen