These safe natural treatments really work and can permanently get rid of them..
This is a response I received from wannabeblue28:
"Hi Mukunda M. I have just been rubbing my face with oil using my fingers and hands and It has made a HUGE difference in my complexion after just one night. ...... My skin looks so much tighter everywhere and i no longer have bags under my eyes! Thank you so much for your post, I have been suffering with acne and under-eye circles since i was young."
She had seen an answer I gave about how vigorous face massaging with essential oils had permanently got rid of my acne and also removed my bags/circles. The massages greatly tighten skin under and around the eye area and the bags go away.
The most helpful ones are: Using both hands together (1) Do long up and down sweeps close to nose from chin area up to near eyes. (2) Do another up and back at an angle from chin point to cheek bone. (3) Do fast up and down massage close to eye from cheek bones at an angle of 45 degrees (on your crows feet). If do all 3 for 10 minutes daily - will markedly tighten skin and diminish the circles in the first two days. Use any oil. Olive is good. To avoid skin pulling first make skin taught by partially opening mouth and pulling lips firmly back against teeth(tightens most of face)
Additionally facial yoga exercises help a great deal. Find on Youtube. Do the "The lion face" and try to hold for 30 seconds. A variation of that is protruding the tongue as if trying to touch tip of nose with tip of tongue.
YOGA MEDITATION is a great help.and is easy to do. Contact me for more info. It enables you to completely relax and gives you deep, restful sleep. 6 hours of restful sleep is considerably more beneficial than 8 or more hours of non restful sleep.
SOURCE(S): 24 years researcher, consultant - safe natural treatments/cures for skin conditions and anti aging rejuvenation treatment.
i found that anti-age Multi-Function Eyes Cream helps a lot. please read more about it and could be order at this website
this site also has a RN Connection Call Center that you can email your skin issue for advice. they will get back with you within 24-48 hours by email.
Answers & Comments
Verified answer
try slices of very cold cucumbers. just puts them on your eyes and go take a nap.
These safe natural treatments really work and can permanently get rid of them..
This is a response I received from wannabeblue28:
"Hi Mukunda M. I have just been rubbing my face with oil using my fingers and hands and It has made a HUGE difference in my complexion after just one night. ...... My skin looks so much tighter everywhere and i no longer have bags under my eyes! Thank you so much for your post, I have been suffering with acne and under-eye circles since i was young."
She had seen an answer I gave about how vigorous face massaging with essential oils had permanently got rid of my acne and also removed my bags/circles. The massages greatly tighten skin under and around the eye area and the bags go away.
The most helpful ones are: Using both hands together (1) Do long up and down sweeps close to nose from chin area up to near eyes. (2) Do another up and back at an angle from chin point to cheek bone. (3) Do fast up and down massage close to eye from cheek bones at an angle of 45 degrees (on your crows feet). If do all 3 for 10 minutes daily - will markedly tighten skin and diminish the circles in the first two days. Use any oil. Olive is good. To avoid skin pulling first make skin taught by partially opening mouth and pulling lips firmly back against teeth(tightens most of face)
Additionally facial yoga exercises help a great deal. Find on Youtube. Do the "The lion face" and try to hold for 30 seconds. A variation of that is protruding the tongue as if trying to touch tip of nose with tip of tongue.
YOGA MEDITATION is a great help.and is easy to do. Contact me for more info. It enables you to completely relax and gives you deep, restful sleep. 6 hours of restful sleep is considerably more beneficial than 8 or more hours of non restful sleep.
SOURCE(S): 24 years researcher, consultant - safe natural treatments/cures for skin conditions and anti aging rejuvenation treatment.
i found that anti-age Multi-Function Eyes Cream helps a lot. please read more about it and could be order at this website
this site also has a RN Connection Call Center that you can email your skin issue for advice. they will get back with you within 24-48 hours by email.
good luck:)
try to have the same sleep time every time
apparently coffee can dimish the looks of eye puffiness
rubbing coffee under your eyes
well i dont no if this is the answer your looking for but um i would use natural consealer or something
potato slices. Try this: