I have three years in Customer Support,Sales, and Logistical Operations. With a bachelors in Aviaiton Administration. Recent company had cut backs and hae one month too find another job have been interviewing. Have been offered two jobs need to decide which to take. Would like input on your choice. Living expenses are 32000 a year.
A.) Technical sales job 40,000, have to meet Quartly Quotas aound 100,000 average sale 5,000. Poosiable light travel. full benifits.
B.) Cusotmer Care job, 34,000 no travel, With the Goverment.
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you need to know what kind of training you will get for either job.
i think technical sales sounds like more fun. but are you comfortable with that? With having a quota?
Try to find out from Company A what type of person does well in that job. It is a question they should not have troouble answering.
Well, you seem to like stability and long term. I would recommend you take the government job for these reasons.
1. No lay offs. Rarely does the government cut back and getting fired once you are in is nearly impossible.
2. Fantastic unbelievable benefits. This alone may make up the difference in salary. You may have to pay a portion of your medical benefits in the private sector job, but the gov job is probably all included. Also there is the government retirement benefits that most employers just can't match.
3. Less pressure. Is $500 more a month really worth all the stress you will feel with a quota? I doubt it.
If you want stability and a solid if not outstanding future go with the gov job.
There may be more money in the private sector, but that will change the longer you are in the gov job. Generally gov jobs pay higher compared to their private sector counter part (with benefits).
Good luck.
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