The Tin Foil Hat Cult or the Starwars religion beets 'em both! And I'm not kidding- there seriously are people who worship some kind of god and their customary wear is a tin foil hat.
As for the choices given, I would have to say "Scientology". They're freakin crazy!
i don't think scientology even qualifies as a religion.
which would leave Mormons as the craziest. their religion has literally been disproved over and over again.
there is one story about Joseph Smith using his magic stones to translate heiroglyphics before we were able to and he came up with this whole lost book of the bible. when they discovered the rosetta stone and went back the scrolls he translated were Egyptian burial rites or something, definitely not the Bible. it was just a blatant, provable lie, and the Mormon church tries desperately to cover things like that up all the time. not to mention that the whole history of North America Smith made up is flat out WRONG and has been proved to be wrong by natural history.
I see that Mormons love God and love their community. Their way of life makes a lot more sense than the crap they are actually taught.
One very common cause of craziness is drug use, and neither Mormons nor Scientologists believe in using mind-altering drugs.
Given that both Scientologists and Mormons are interested in improving themselves: their own minds and their own behaviour; I think there is a pretty good chance that amongst both Mormons and Scientologists you will find a great many intelligent, educated, kind-hearted, clear-minded people. ♥
lol...sorry but that girl who said mormons don't charge away from the truth...the damn 10% ...they are one of the richest churches...not as well all the members...the temples have very valuable things inside...uhm I just would like to have one of those to sell it and feed a group of people..(the golden bull ,etc,don't remember more right now..
scientology I think has a very different point of view which really don't fit in our minds..cause it is like a movie,aliens,etc. yeah...angels appear to Mr Smith (child molester,married almost 30 women...polygamy"commandment from God'...???etc,etc..I think that this one is just blasphemy,lies and brainwash its members using Jesus name in vain....The church of jesus christ..etc,etc...if you ask about fanatism...mormons...scientology don't push you into it so hardly and do not invade your life soo much like these other fanatics
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MORMONISM....HANDS DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Tin Foil Hat Cult or the Starwars religion beets 'em both! And I'm not kidding- there seriously are people who worship some kind of god and their customary wear is a tin foil hat.
As for the choices given, I would have to say "Scientology". They're freakin crazy!
i don't think scientology even qualifies as a religion.
which would leave Mormons as the craziest. their religion has literally been disproved over and over again.
there is one story about Joseph Smith using his magic stones to translate heiroglyphics before we were able to and he came up with this whole lost book of the bible. when they discovered the rosetta stone and went back the scrolls he translated were Egyptian burial rites or something, definitely not the Bible. it was just a blatant, provable lie, and the Mormon church tries desperately to cover things like that up all the time. not to mention that the whole history of North America Smith made up is flat out WRONG and has been proved to be wrong by natural history.
I see that Mormons love God and love their community. Their way of life makes a lot more sense than the crap they are actually taught.
Scientology is number 1. Mormons are tied for second with every other world religion.
One very common cause of craziness is drug use, and neither Mormons nor Scientologists believe in using mind-altering drugs.
Given that both Scientologists and Mormons are interested in improving themselves: their own minds and their own behaviour; I think there is a pretty good chance that amongst both Mormons and Scientologists you will find a great many intelligent, educated, kind-hearted, clear-minded people. ♥
Scientology is the craziest and stop picking on the mormons. They are just like any other religion who believes in God and Jesus Christ.
lol...sorry but that girl who said mormons don't charge away from the truth...the damn 10% ...they are one of the richest churches...not as well all the members...the temples have very valuable things inside...uhm I just would like to have one of those to sell it and feed a group of people..(the golden bull ,etc,don't remember more right now..
scientology I think has a very different point of view which really don't fit in our minds..cause it is like a movie,aliens,etc. yeah...angels appear to Mr Smith (child molester,married almost 30 women...polygamy"commandment from God'...???etc,etc..I think that this one is just blasphemy,lies and brainwash its members using Jesus name in vain....The church of jesus christ..etc,etc...if you ask about fanatism...mormons...scientology don't push you into it so hardly and do not invade your life soo much like these other fanatics
It's a moot point: the followers of both end up in the same place... hell.
At least Mormons don't charge you thousands of dollars to let you go inside the Temple
Scientology, no question about that.
Mormonism is still crazy though