I don't want to go to a doctor or my parents because I'm afraid they wont take me serious because I'm only 13,but I always feel so depressed and I don't know why. Everybody at school always comes to me for their problems and I always feel loved by everybody but I'm always SO sad! I don't understand it! It's been like this ever sence I've been about 11. I really have no clue because I'm always happy when I'm with my friends but when I'm alone I feel hated,fat,ugly,and worthless. Please help. I don't know what to do anymore and I'm so confused. PLEASE no mean answers. Thanks alot. (:
Update:Also "Zac" Shut up,please lol not trying to be mean but did you not read the sentence before the last? No mean answers so get a life lol okie? c: Byee.
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Answers & Comments
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Be happy. Do your best! Positive thinking really truly does help:D. I get where you're coming from. People at school come to me for their problems and although I really do want to help, sometimes, I just don't understand. But I do what I can to help everyone! I know sometimes I fail XD But I try to take my own advice! Even though I can be an epic 'nubcake' >:D
Learn to love yourself, because there are people out there who love you!<3. Even if sometimes you disagree, you know there is! Even if sometimes, crap happens, and you feel down, well it's a part of life, but try to by-pass it, because things will get better :) Be happy with who you are, and don't let anyone bother you! You are who you are, and nobody can change that about you.(: Even though I don't know you, you sound like a great person x)
If you ever need something, email me! :D - [email protected] <3
I would suggest having more postive thinking. get a self help book from the library, which can teach you how to be positive.
I dont think you depressed.(obviously i dont know for sure as i dont know you) i think its an age thing.
i remember feeling just like you at that age, and to be honest when i got older, and was able to discuss with friends they all felt the same way in one way or another. but nobody really likes to talk about it. its just that your growing up, going through alot of changes.
At the moment i think your discovering who you are and you see what your "supposed" to be like from the TV/Mags?other friends etc and you will always feel like you should look abit better or be more fun, or be better at things. When really your prob perfect the way you are but trust me it takes time and age to understand it.
So the best advice is to start loving who you are now. as you will only look back and wish you had spent more time enjoying yourself.
you may be depressed because you have no one better to talk to about your problems other than strangers on the internet