It feels as though all the muscles in my body hurt. It's been like this for about two weeks. I've had my period for a few years, so I don't think it's related to that, and I'm thin, so it's not because I'm fat or whatever trolls like to say. What's wrong with me?? Am I just growing (I'm 14, btw)?? What can I do about the pain?? PLEASE HELP :,(
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sometimes a virus can cause muscle aches that last a few weeks. also, most teens go through one of their last "growth spurts" between 14 and 17 years old. If over the counter Tylenol or Advil isn't helping at all, I would go see your Dr. to rule out a virus or any other infection. Hope you feel better soon!
well just a couple days ago my horse bucked me off her and ii feel the same so you may have fell,or are sleeping in a bad position for youre body