May 2021 10 107 Report
Why did my horse die?

I had a 33 year old paint until sunday when i found him in the pasture and he couldnt get up, i got him up eventually and he goes cantering as fast as he could (hes to old to go faster than a canter) to the front pen and he couldnt get up again, he made funny noises and would stretch his neck up weird and he keep rolling on his back from side to side until he couldnt, we called the vet and by the time he go there he would get about half way up (his front legs up all the way) And try to stand up and hed fall and hit his head so hard and we had to keep him down because he was hurting himself and he was in so much pain we had him sedated and then put down, i thought it was just old age, but we we went to bury him on monday, when they lifted him up blood ran out his mouth, was this internal bleeding did that kill him? What happened to him? He been fine, een the day before up and happy, he was on a mush diet because of no back teeth, and full pasture all day ( but he usually jus sucked on gras and spit it out bours later) and the place i board himat puts bute in his food for his arthritis and he looked much happier and ran more after that, but hed eat all his food and he was loosing weight so fast, hed act fine but he was so skinny no matter what we did, i brough my tub of weigh gain i had left over from this summer igave him and it helped him then, there was no loading dose just said two cups or up to four depending on weight and exercise or if you just wanted your horse to have a healthy coat or actually gain weight, i put three in to start and planned on putting 2 in each morning after but he died the next night, he was getting expensive purina feed too and he got so skinny, what happened to my old guy? He was just fine and then suddenly he was thrashing around on the ground :( please help


So theres no way the bute or Weight gain did it is there? I feel so bad and i worrythat might have caused it :( also could twin have done this? I moved him somewhere else to board him and his friend because my grandparents didnt like my mustang spooking their cows and they leave twine on the bales, their horses just pick it out and have never had a problem and i didnt notice him eating any, the bale was in a barred thing about and he ate what fell into the tray below. Also he had full access to a harvested corn field to eat anythin left behind but there hasnt been anything out here they will eat for a few months. Would that change anything? (also im really sorry for bad typing, my phones got a bad keyboard) thank you

Also id have the vet tell me but we already buried him :( no one bothered to check we all knew it was over when we saw him, and the vet said theres nothing to do but put him down now :(

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