Think of a lake with two waterfalls pouring out of it, going into a lower lake. The height between the two lakes is like the voltage - potential. Same height difference (potential difference of voltage) to get down to the lower lake, whichever waterfall you take. The flow of water through each waterfall is like the current. Some goes each way, but the height drop is the same.
THe current is moving electrons. THere are only so many electrons moving along and they go one way or the other [and forget about double slit diffraction experiments for now].
The water/pipe analogy: voltage = pressure, current = volumetric flow rate
Water coming to a T goes part one way and part the other, but the number of total Gallons per minute does not change [unless you have a leak].
If the voltage between 2 point is Vx, the current is Vx/Ztot. If there is more than one component between the points, the current will be Vx/Z1+Vx/Z2. This is basically Ohm's law.
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Think of a lake with two waterfalls pouring out of it, going into a lower lake. The height between the two lakes is like the voltage - potential. Same height difference (potential difference of voltage) to get down to the lower lake, whichever waterfall you take. The flow of water through each waterfall is like the current. Some goes each way, but the height drop is the same.
THe current is moving electrons. THere are only so many electrons moving along and they go one way or the other [and forget about double slit diffraction experiments for now].
The water/pipe analogy: voltage = pressure, current = volumetric flow rate
Water coming to a T goes part one way and part the other, but the number of total Gallons per minute does not change [unless you have a leak].
If the voltage between 2 point is Vx, the current is Vx/Ztot. If there is more than one component between the points, the current will be Vx/Z1+Vx/Z2. This is basically Ohm's law.