At the moment I think it would be absolutely ridiculous (although a good portion of my school still believes the Earth is less than 10,000 years old).
I don't deny that we had a Creator, but I don't think that notion has any place in schools, or that there is any "scientific approach" to it. I think that evolution leaves certain questions unanswered, but intelligent design doesn't bother to explain too much, and just throws the big "BECAUSE GOD MADE IT THAT WAY" label on it, as far as explanations go.
So...please give me a good reason why intelligent design should be taught in schools, and feel free to point out one of the things I've said up there ^^ that is wrong.
Thanks in advance.
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Most Christians I know don't want biblical creationism taught in science classes (they would butcher it). And then there’s the argument about all the other creation stories being taught. What we want is for molecules-to-man evolution (chemical and biological evolution) to be taught with all its warts (in most states, they are not even allowed to present evidence that would put evolution in a poor light). And we want intelligent design to at least be presented. Unlike leprechauns, storks bringing babies, a flat earth, etc., a significant percentage of the (tax paying) population believes in ID.
See the New World Encyclopedia entry on Intelligent Design:
Here is a brief overview of the scientific case for ID:
The science behind ID:
Good science teaching should include controversies. But, whenever you mention this kind of stuff, Darwinists jump from their trees and start behaving as if someone had stolen their bananas. Apparently, academic freedom is for other subjects. At the moment, educators are in the interesting position of not teaching students, but instead conditioning them to recite the “correct” answers without a second thought to other possible explanations. What are the Darwinists afraid of? A little critical analysis never hurt anyone who had the evidence on their side. The Darwinists worship their idol but don’t listen to him. He said, “A fair result can be obtained only by fully stating and balancing the facts and arguments on both sides of each question...” (Charles Darwin, Origin of Species).
Evolutionists typically claim that the evidence for modern Darwinism is “overwhelming.” But they act as if they know that the evidence is so shaky that the slightest whiff of open discussion will topple the theory.
If high school students are capable of understanding the arguments and evidence for modern evolutionary theory, then they should be able to understand (and rationally discuss) scientific criticisms of modern evolutionary theory.
Intelligent Design is not a scientific theory. A scientific theory is not an "unproven assumption" as one columnist stated recently. A scientific theory is a logical, systematic set of principles or explanation that has been verified—has stood up against attempts to prove it false. A scientific theory must make testable predictions. Intelligent Design, like creationism, holds a particular explanation about our physical world to be true no matter what—it cannot be proven false nor can it be modified when new evidence is discovered. Intelligent Design, like creationism, starts off with the assumption that God created everything and it believes that no facts or observation can prove otherwise. This is fine as a religious belief, but this belief is not scientific. That is OKAY---it is alright to hold a non-scientific belief as long one does not confuse a religious belief with a scientific explanation and vice versa. Intelligent Design proponents believe there are some physical things and processes that cannot be understood or explained without invoking a supernatural entity, the master Designer, and no facts or observation can contradict that belief. Again, this is fine as a religious belief, but this belief is not scientific. Intelligent Design is not a valid scientific theory because it has not gone through the standard peer review and correction of the scientific process. Things like biological evolution, atomic theory, and gravity theory are taught in our high schools because they have been verified and refined by many people using the scientific method. Any scientist would love to prove those theories wrong or incomplete because they would get a lot of fame for making that breakthrough. Scientists spend years testing scientific theories in that pursuit of a radical break from what was previously thought. Creationism and Intelligent Design advocates seek to do an "end-run" around the tried-and-true process of science and curriculum development by legislating their beliefs into our schools. Creationism and Intelligent Design advocates argue from the position of authority rather than from the evidence of the physical universe. Careful observations of nature are the sole judge. I cannot say I am correct just because I have a PhD in astrophysics from a prestigious institution or because the bible says so, I have to give you the evidence.
For the simple basic reason that ONLY ONE IDEA IS TAUGHT.
Nothing else is permitted, nothing else is allowed. Our way only! That is not teaching or encouraging thinking, learning, discovery or a thirst for knowledge... that is indoctrination.
Only one answer is correct and allowed on the test or it is a fail. No other answer or question is permitted. No other thought is encouraged. Only one way.
Anyone who does not follow such is mocked and ridiculed, regarded as of low intelligence.
My Grandmother began her teaching career in the 1 room school house, and taught school from 1914 to 1960, she witnessed the drastic changes in the educational system over those years.
All 3 ideas where taught; evolution, ID, and creation with no problems. It was after the 1960's that everything got really strange and only 1 idea was forced into the schools and any other idea was regarded as wrong.
How do they think those teachers felt when all of that occurred? Everything they had been teaching and had been taught was NOW regarded as wrong.
Why is it so difficult to get any one to want to go to college to become a public school teacher any more? A person becomes a teacher because they enjoy teaching; not to become part of the state sanctioned indoctrination.
Well there's a difference between creationism and intelligent design. ID doesn't necessarily mean a higher being created the world in seven days and the world is only thousands of years old. ID can co-exist with evolution - in that the higher being (God, Goddess, gods, etc) used evolution as the tool for life.
And don't assume ID = the Christian God, because it doesn't. It means any creator. So yes, it can be taught in schools as an option, but not necessarily the only true option.
No no no, the idea of Intelligent Design is not from the Creationists, ok,
Just because they use it that doesn't mean they have all the rights to that idea or belief!
The Intelligent Design theory can also work with Evolution.
The creationist;s ideas that the earth is 6000 years old is ridiculous, ok, not the Intelligent Design theory.
So, personally since Evolution is the best theory we have that fits with the way we know the world, I believe in classes it is also useful to mention the idea of Intelligent Design, but not as the creationists point of view, from a religious book, the Bible, but from a logical point of view which can make sense and even complete the theory of Evolution.
here is a website.
"Intelligent design is not a religious theory and the IDEA Center promotes intelligent design as a scientific theory. Therefore, the IDEA Center does not have an official religious affiliation. The IDEA Center believes that it is important to be upfront about one's bias, and thus it is important to state that the founders if the IDEA Center were Christians. At the heart of our advocacy is to promote intelligent design theory purely on its scientific merits and we believe that in the investigation of intelligent design the identity of the designer is completely separate from the scientific theory of intelligent design, since a scientific theory cannot specify the identity of the designer based upon the empirical data or the scientific method alone, and is not dependent upon religious premises. Please see our About the IDEA's Religious and Scientific affiliations and Why Intelligent Design Theory Is Not Religion page for more information. "
just because of these reasons I like that website, because I don't like the religious nutcases creationists, because I believe also that there is a chance of the Intelligent Design to be true.
But I don't want to see scientific research with religious point of views, but objective scientific researches.
It should NOT, and I believe God created the universe. It is not science.
The Fundamentalist/creationist/ID movement is a conspiracy to destroy Christianity from within. Their unscrupulous leaders target uneducated but devout believers and convince them that “Genesis MUST be read literally” (even though it’s so obviously metaphorical), and that “evolution is a lie” (when it’s the very foundation of many major scientific fields). These charlatans are able to brainwash their audience by dazzling them with some pseudo-scientific jargon, fallacies, half-truths and out right lies. Since these people don't have enough information to realize they are being duped, they fall for it.
The creationist leaders actually made up this whole "false dilemma"/”either-or” fallacy!
“Believe ONLY in the bible or you are a bad Christian! Don't fall for science/evolution or you will be led by the devil.”
This entire premise is a LIE because the Catholic Church, the Methodists, the Anglicans, the Presbyterians, etc. the majority of ALL mainstream Christians have NO problem with evolution or science! Biblical scholars from all the major Christian denominations, and even Hebrew scholars confirm that the metaphorical language used in Genesis 1-2 does NOT conflict with the truth of the MESSAGE: “God created the universe and established a special relationship with mankind.” In fact, Genesis actually PARALLELS major scientific discoveries (“big bang” – “let their be light” – what’s the difference?) The majority of Christians are able to see how evolution is an elegant part of God’s plan. Evolution IS the “divine design”!
However, this small group stirs up a lot of political controversy (i.e. teaching it in school) so that all non-Christians, who could be potential converts, are made to believe that ALL Christians are morons.
So, the general public, including potential converts, want nothing to do with Christianity.
Diabolical no?
These poor deluded, but faithful people believe they are doing "God's will" when they are actually doing the exact opposite. Their websites are just filled with fallacies, lies and misinformation. If they weren’t so dangerous to our school children and Christianity in general, it would be laughable.
This whole ridiculous controversy is one entirely of their own making! It's kind of sad.
It should be taught as part of a comparative religion class. Exposing people to as many riduculous ideas as possible is the best way to help them spot a riduculous idea when they see it.
It has no more place in the biology classroom than the Philosopher's Stone has in the chemistry classroom. Science classes are for teaching kids about the way the world actually works, and evolution is the process by which the first primitive life-forms ended up spawning the biodiversity we see on Earth today.
"but intelligent design doesn't bother to explain too much,"
Perhaps this is the reason they want to teach it in schools? The explanations and theories are still based on the same scientific evidence, just a different perspective. But without an open forum it doesn't have a chance to "explain too much".
I see no harm in ID being taught in a world religion class as part of a lesson on what certain religions believe, but I wouldn't go to a biology class to learn ID any more than I would go to Sunday Service to learn calculus.
the question should be= why it is NOT taught so far?
the USA government intentionally drove peoples away from faith to further confuse them in regard of the silly wars based on lies and greed.
America became THE new religion:
individualism, big spending, malls instead of churches, political not ethical leadership