Will Breitbart's new website be bigdiscreditedexpundit.com?
He's already got biggovernment.com, bighollywood.com, bigjournalism.com and bigpeace.com. Is bigdiscreditedexpundit.com next? All the unreliably sourced material you can get your hands on!
in case you haven't noticed from the Q&A's around here, conservatives STILL believe the edited video he posted of Sherrod is the true and complete story. he's only been discredited in the eyes of thinking people who care about getting their facts straight.
conservatives still believe in his veracity and support his efforts.
edit: for proof of that fact, just read "Blue State" 's answer.
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Probably not . His lies have elevated him to hero amongst the rabid right wing.
My hope is that Sherrod continues with legal action. Breitbart is a two-bit thug.
in case you haven't noticed from the Q&A's around here, conservatives STILL believe the edited video he posted of Sherrod is the true and complete story. he's only been discredited in the eyes of thinking people who care about getting their facts straight.
conservatives still believe in his veracity and support his efforts.
edit: for proof of that fact, just read "Blue State" 's answer.
He discredited the racist NAACP members and Shirley Sherrod. The more she speaks, the more obvious it is that she's a blatant racist.
No, it will be www.madeyoulook.com.