Main part or truly identifiable is "Schild" as certain part of knight equipment (armour, sword & "shield") = something with a protecting attribute (also used for animals) ... or as a "sign" for traffic, a public or private hint to a non-smoking area, your name on your house door ...
1. Schildkröte, composed by shield + toad = turtle
2. Schildkreuter, could be a family name, composed by shield or sign + "kreuter" ... names do sometimes contain hints to their origin ... see
3. Schildkräuter, could be a family name too, instead of "kreuter" it's "kräuter", has to do with "herbs" or "herbal...?"
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Your friend called you a turtle, slowpoke: schildkroete means Turtle in German (with or without umlaut)
A proper name, a composed noun or name ...
Main part or truly identifiable is "Schild" as certain part of knight equipment (armour, sword & "shield") = something with a protecting attribute (also used for animals) ... or as a "sign" for traffic, a public or private hint to a non-smoking area, your name on your house door ...
1. Schildkröte, composed by shield + toad = turtle
2. Schildkreuter, could be a family name, composed by shield or sign + "kreuter" ... names do sometimes contain hints to their origin ... see
3. Schildkräuter, could be a family name too, instead of "kreuter" it's "kräuter", has to do with "herbs" or "herbal...?"
In a mess it could turn into "Kräuterschild" ... used as a sign or label plate in your garden,or.r_qf.&fp=187b677...
You spelled it wrong.