Ahh, come on Presiphonie, that's not fair. Ok the kid's parents do own a publishing company. And maybe he did get his ideas from other great authors, but all books take a lot of time and some if not much original thought. You should know that.
There are alot of Young Writers with published books. Most people think that it is extremely rare, but the young ones are taking over. I am one, unplublished, but I am finishing my first book.
Let's be perfectly honest about Christopher Paolini. He ripped off most of his books from Anne Mc Caffrey and Star Wars. And they were published by his parents. I guess any kid can get published when their parents owns a publishing house.
Other than SE Hinton, Mary Shelley, Mattie Stepanek, and Ally Sheedy the actress, how many others have you ever heard of? Ummm none?
Answers & Comments
Verified answer
S. E. Hinton wrote Outsiders.
Christopher Paolini wrote Eragon.
Ahh, come on Presiphonie, that's not fair. Ok the kid's parents do own a publishing company. And maybe he did get his ideas from other great authors, but all books take a lot of time and some if not much original thought. You should know that.
The Outsiders was written by the author when she was in High School. Now its among the reading lists for many schools and a must-read
There are alot of Young Writers with published books. Most people think that it is extremely rare, but the young ones are taking over. I am one, unplublished, but I am finishing my first book.
Let's be perfectly honest about Christopher Paolini. He ripped off most of his books from Anne Mc Caffrey and Star Wars. And they were published by his parents. I guess any kid can get published when their parents owns a publishing house.
Other than SE Hinton, Mary Shelley, Mattie Stepanek, and Ally Sheedy the actress, how many others have you ever heard of? Ummm none?
They're, Their, There - Three Different Words.
Careful or you may wind up in my next novel.
Pax - C
They're, Their, There - Three Different Words.
Careful or you may wind up in my next novel.
Pax - C
Fiction by Kids
Shalayne Alexandria (18 years old) Nyville High series #1 Welcome to Nyville! 2007 Nyville High series #2 Mother May I? 2007
Daisy Ashford (9 years old), The Young Visiters: Or, Mr Salteena's Plan 1919
Amelia Atwater-Rhodes (14 years old), In The Forests of the Night 1999 Demon in My View 2000 Shattered Mirror 2001 Midnight Predator 2002
Flavia Bujor (14 years old), The Prophecy of the Stones 2004
Isabelle Carmody (15 years old), Obernewtyn 1999 Farseekers 2001
Jennifer Carnell (15 years old), Murder, Mystery, and Mayhem 1989
Maureen Daly (17 years old), Seventeenth Summer 1942
Nancy Yi Fan (11 years old), Swordbird (2006)
Walter Farley (15 years old), The Black Stallion 1941
Miles Franklin (16 years old), My Brilliant Career 1901
Kimberly Fuller (16 years old), Home 1998
Robert Geile (18 years old), On Our Way : A Collection of Short Stories by Young American Filmmakers 2004
Valerie Gribben (16 years old), Fairytale (book) 2003
S. E. Hinton (16 years old), Outsiders 1967
Emily Kallok (9 years old), The Diary of Chickabiddy Baby 1999
Gordon Korman (12 years old), This Can’t Be Happening at McDonald Hall 1978
Benjamin Lebert (16 years old), Crazy 2000
Megan McNeil Libby (16 years old), Postcards From France 1998
Helen Oyeyemi (18 years old), The Icarus Girl 2005
Chrisopher Paolini (15 years old), Eragon
Dav Pilkey (19 years old), World War Won 1987
Francoise Sagan (19 years old), Bonjour Tristesse 1954
Alexandra Sheedy (12 years old), She Was Nice to Mice 1977
Mary Shelley (19 years old), Frankenstein 1816
Shane Simon (16 years old), The Prophecy 2007
Non-fiction by Kids
Gil C. Alicea (16 years old), The Air Down Here: True Tales From a South Bronx Boyhood 1995
Irwin Cait (13 years old), Conquering the Beast Within: How I Fought Depression and Won 1998
Zack Hample (18 years old), How To Snag Major League Baseballs 1999
Dave Lindsay (15 years old), Dave’s Quick and Easy Web Pages 1999
Joyce Maynard (18 years old), An Eighteen Year Old Looks Back on Life 1972
Mark Pfetzer (17 years old), Within Reach: My Everest Story 1998
Katie Tarbox (15 years old), Katie.com: My Story 2000
Ned Vizzini (started in jr high), Teen Angst? Naaah… A Quasi-autobiography 2000
Opal Whitely (6 years old), Opal: The Journal of an Understanding Heart 1920
Kid Voices
Dear Diary I’m Pregnant: Teenagers Talk About Their Pregnancy, Annreneee Englander: compiler 1997
Girls in America: Their Stories, Their Words, Carol Cassidy, ed. 2000
Hear These Voices: Youth at the Edge of the Millennium. Anthony Allison, ed. 1999
No More Strangers Now: Young Voices From a New South Africa, Timothy McKee: interviewer 1998
Ophelia Speaks: Adolescent girls Write About Their Search for Self, Sara Shandler, ed. 1999
Picture the Girl: Young Women Speak Their Minds, Audrey Shehyn, ed. 2000
Real Boys’ Voices, William S. Pollack, ed. 2000
Remix: Conversations with Immigrant Teens, Marina Budhos, ed. 1999
The Secret Life of Teens: Young People Speak Out About Their Lives, Gayatri and Michelle Patnaik, ed. 2000
Seen and Heard: Teenagers Talk About Their Lives, Mary Motley Kalergis, ed. 1998
Struggle To Be Strong: True Stories By Teens About Overcoming Tough Times, Desetta, Sybil, Wolin, eds.
What are You? Voices of Mixed Race Young People, Pearl Guyo Gaskins, ed. 1999
Why Do They Hate Me? Young Lives Caught in War and Conflict, Laurel Holliday, ed. 1999
Kid Poetry
Movin’: Teen Poets Take Voice, Dave Johnson, ed. 2000
Pain Tree and Other Teenage Angst-Ridden Poetry, Esther Watson, compiler 2000
Quiet Storm: Voices of Young Black Poets (ages 13-21), Lydia Okutoro, ed. 1999
Tupac Shakur (19 years old), The Rose that Grew From Concrete 2000
You Hear Me? Poems and Writings by Teenaged Boys, Betsy Franco, ed. 2000
When the Rain Sings: Poems By Young Native Americans (ages 7-17), Lee Francis, ed. 1999
Heartsongs by Mattie Stepanek
If There Would Be No Light by Sahara Sunday Spain (age 9),
The Little Wings by Vivienne Dayrell (age 14), 1921
The Me Nobody Knows
I Never Saw Another Butterfly
The Janitor's Boy & Other Poems by Nathalia Crane (age 9), 1924
What Once Was White by Samantha Abeel (age 13), 1993
Kid Diaries
Anonymous Annie’s Baby: The Diary of Anonymous, a Pregnant Teenager, 1998
Anonymous, Go Ask Alice, 1971
Zlata Filipovic (13 years old), Zlata’s Diary: A Child’s Life in Sarajevo 1994
Anne Frank (14 years old), Diary of a Young Girl 1952
Latoya Hunter (16 years old), Diary of Latoya Hunter: My First Year in Junior High 1992
the guy who wrote eragon