May 2021 1 88 Report
... Checks being stolen and deposited under a very similar name?


I have a company with a pretty generic name (ABC)

Someone has been stealing checks out of my mailbox and depositing them into a Harris Bank Account (I do not HAVE a Harris account). I am assuming they have a very similar company name because... uh... I haven't the faintest clue of how this could be happening otherwise.

Couple things.

(1) At the present time, they have stolen over $4,000. Not a big deal but enough to annoy me. I have copies of the back of the deposited checks (I called my customer's and asked for them). What will happen to them once I report this?

(2) Who is going to pay me back? Isn't this the banks fault - depositing checks to a company account that are under a different company name (assuming this is what is happening).

I'm not concerned about identity theft.. yada yada. My records are checked and clean. I also am 99% sure of who is doing this (and they have an EXTREMELY similar company name to mine).

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