May 2021 6 74 Report
Do you believe in Spirit guides?

I'm just recently remembering a conversation that took place when I was two years old. A spirit was asking me if I was sure I wanted to do this again. She said I had already passed the test and this time it would be harder this time and I would be alone. These memories are coming back in pieces.... It makes me believe in reincarnation. She said she would try to help if she could. She kept asking me if I was sure I wanted to do this again. I wonder if these are true memories or some trick to mislead me? and why they would surface now?


Because of different religious beliefs I have put up so many blocks and distrust these memories. Tho deep down I want to remember what my soul knows. I started remembering earlier in the summer and little by little more is coming back. But I don't know who to trust on my spiritual journey. Trust is a big issue with me.

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