May 2021 1 79 Report
Female clean vocals/screech?

We are looking for a female singer in a few years who can screech and do clean vocals. For the purpose of starting a metal-core band in 2-4 years. I know it's a while away but most of the band members are between 14 and 16 so we need someone to be prepared for a few years from now. So if you are interested just ask. But if we don't get a record deal then its your choice to leave for we will try again. But please no jokes or harassment. But if you decide to do it and change your mind don't worry I know it's kinda out of there. If your interested then contact yumiprodigy or jordanmaster4 on Skype or text or call 1(208)-709-1461. But if you call if no one answers then please leave a message. Ok, thank you.

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