May 2021 3 51 Report
Islam - Muslim differences in worship/belief?

I've read some about Shiite and Sunni. I'd like to know more. I'm also aware of Wahabiism and the American Nation of Islam. What other groups, based on differences in intepretation of the Koran, exist? Shiite and Sunni differ mainly on the succession of leadership from Mohammed. Other groups may differ based on (sp?) fatwah's issued by various Imam's. What I'm looking for is a 'landscape' view of Islam based on religious interpretation with info on the total number of worshippers in each group.


Thank you all for your responses. I read a report that was delivered to the US Congress in 2003 and extracted the following info. Would you please tell me whether it is inaccurate.

There are 3 holy books in Islam: the Quran (Gabriel dictating to Muhammed), the Sunnah (Muh. life as an example) and the Hadith (Muh. holy sayings). For Sunni's there are 4 schools of law which Shariah uses according to the local choice: Hanbali (strict), Shafi (popular), Maliki (mostly in africa), and Hanafi (moderate).

There are approximately 1 Billion people who practice Islam world wide. In addition to Sunni and Shia, there are Sufi's, Unitarians (Saudi Arabia), Wahabi's (reformers), Alawi's (Syria & Turkey), Druze (Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Israel), Ibadhis/Kharjites (Oman, Africa), Ahmadiya (Pakistan), Zaydis (Yemen).

Islam is categorized (by the Congressional report) into either 'fundamentalists' or 'extremists(bin Laden).

Question: which school of law is favored by Muslims in the US?

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