May 2021 6 21 Report
My daughter cries everyday after school?

She's 15 and just started a new school 2 weeks ago. She used to live

With my parents while I was in medical school and my spouse was working a lot. It ended up lasting 10 years.

This year I signed her up for a private school and she comes crying everyday. She says that no one knows she's new or cares. That she doesn't have any friends. She's very depressed all the time. Every weekend I try to cheer her up and take her out to dinner and so forth, yet when school starts she gets sad again.

What do I do?

I can't let her move back with my parents. First they don't want her to and I want my daughter to live

With me

Should I let her switch schools? Or is it too early.

Maybe after 3-4 months? Or will it be even harder for her to start new then.

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