May 2021 2 139 Report
shiteimasen vs shimasen deshita?

In my Pimsleur study, a question is asked: (have you made the hotel reservations?) ホテルを予約しましたか。 They give as a reply: (no, I haven't made the reservations yet.) いいえ、まだ予約していません。  

I thought the answer should be: いいえ、 まだ予約しませんでした。

I really don't understand their answer, so I hope that theirs is just a mistake and that I am right. If theirs is correct, can someone please explain why? Because I'd hate to be missing something so basic. Thanks!


Sorry, I still don't get it. Rather than using present progressive negative, it sounds more like one would say: いいえまだです、でも予約するつもりです or more simply いいえ、でも[「すぐ」します。

I'm just drawing a blank on the purpose of answering a simple past question with a progressive present negative. It would be really awkward in English, so it is messing up my Japanese I guess, especially when there seems to be more intuitive alternatives (like simple past negative and/or positive future intent).

But if progressive is the more natural way to make that answer in Japanese, then I'll to do it by rote rather than through understand if I have to.

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