May 2021 1 22 Report
Sudden weight gain/skin loosening around neck?

I am 22 year old female, I drink and smoke regularly since a few years ago now.

Before starting my summer holidays this year (end of April) I had a very skinny neck, tight skin, no folds when I turned my head to the sides, also my body weight was about 56kg. After spending my 3 months of summer eating much more than before (and healthy too), getting sun and also drinking a lot (although I was a heavy drinker before the summer as well).

I returned in August to find that my physique had changed: I really didn't put on that much weight, it is barely noticeable anywhere on my body EXCEPT my entire neck area: the collarbones, under the chin, above my chest just seems like the skin is looser. My neck looks wider, and when I turn it or raise my arms, the skin folds: I have tiny rings now around my neck and collarbone area from where the skin folds when I sleep in certain positions.

Is this related to the weight gain, or am I just getting older? What can I do to reverse this change? I want my old neck back...


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