May 2021 2 63 Report
Swollen lymph node under right armpit and chest area?

For about maybe a year now, the right side of my chest, around the armpit area, feels kind of swollen. By looking at it, you cant really tell. My doctor had to feel around that area to tell. I am a 35 year old male, and haven't had any major medical issues. I do smoke like 5 cigs a day. I went and got an ultrasound and mamogram of that area. Everything came back fine. All the radiologist said is that the lymph nodes under my armpit in that area seemed a little swollen, but that was the ONLY thing they could find. This pain is STILL with me now. I have to go back to my dr. now and see what the next step is. I think maybe a chest xray or something. When I take deep breaths, I can really feel it. It feels like a pulled or swollen muscle....but after almost a year, you would think this would go away. I am just wondering if anyone else has ever had anything similar to this. Thanks

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