May 2021 3 60 Report
Technology Underwater?

So I'm writing about this imaginary underwater civilization, and I've only recently decided that I want them to be rather advanced. Problem is, I'm not sure how to power any of their technology because of the setting. I was think maybe something like a water current powered generator? But if I do that, how exactly can I develop anything that doesn't use electricity? I'm not planning on going into deep detail on how their tools work, but I'd like to write something that doesn't sound completely ignorant of how things ACTUALLY work.

I'm also wondering which would be cooler:

A) A journal that you can type into, like a computer and then it holograms what you've written in front of you so you can read it.

B) A journal that's basically a recorder and you can just listen to your thoughts

C) a combo of the two (Explain please, like you write and then a generic voice reads or you speak and it goes into words. whichever)


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