May 2021 2 27 Report

Military may be more familiar with this...

My first Semester of college just ended. I have a North Carolina State Scholarship and a Chapter 35 Scholarship. My father was in Vietnam. Anyway, I have a small learning disability and also a serve anxiety disorder which I have a 504 plan for but I had to get in re-newed after high school which my psychologist took a long time writing because he was busy. I wasn't aloud to use my plan because my professors didn't have the letter renewal from my psychologist. While this was going on my psychologist also took me off my addarall (sp) for trying out different medicines for my ADD. I couldn't concentrate at all and I didn't have my plan for taking tests.

What it comes down to is I got F,F,D,C first semester. If you are familiar with the scholarships you have to keep a C average.

Is there any way I can keep my scholarships under these conditions? What can I do? I need my scholarships. It isn't like I slacked off. I really did try, you have noooo clue how hard I tried.

If anyone is familiar with these scholarships can you please help me?

Thank you in advance. God Bless. Merry Christmas.


Rob, does it really matter if you know my grades or not? If you didn't have a answer then you shouldn't have answered. Thank you.

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