May 2021 1 67 Report
Visual Basic Problem "Order Status"?

Hi Everyone,

I have a problem with a program I have been assigned thats driving me crazy(short trip) and I hope someone with a fresh eye could point me in the right direction. I'm using Visual Basic 2005 on Win7 and the program is a Windows Form application.

The application has to calculate a total order for wire spools and display the shipping status. The form has a text box to accept the total number of spools being ordered (Integer), labels to display # In Stock, # on Back Order, Shipping & Handling, and Order Total, and buttons for calculate, clear, and exit. The application has four functions called from the Calculate Total button's click event procedure.

It is not calculating the shipping charges and giving me a total or validating my input by not accepting orders for less than 1 spool. also if there are no backordered spools it should return zero. I have fooled with this until I'm sure I have over thought and over complicated it :)

Here is my code:

Public Class Form1

Private Function GetInStock() As Integer

Dim intSpoolinStock As Integer = InputBox("Enter the number of spools in stock")

Return intSpoolinStock

End Function

Private Function ReadyToShip() As Integer

Dim intSpoolReadyShip As Integer

Return intSpoolReadyShip

End Function

Private Function BackOrdered() As Integer

End Function

Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click

' This procedure calculates the status and total of an order of spools.

Dim decSpoolsTotal As Decimal ' Holds the total cost of spools ordered

Dim decTotalDue As Decimal ' Holds the order total

Dim decShipping As Decimal ' Holds the shipping charges

Dim intReady As Integer ' Holds the spools ready to ship

Dim intBackOrder As Integer ' Holds the spools on back order

Dim intSpoolsOrdered, intSpoolInStock, intSpoolReadyShip As Integer

Dim intSpoolsOnBackOrder As Integer

intReady = ReadyToShip()

txtSpoolsReadyToShip.Text = intReady.ToString("d")

intBackOrder = BackOrdered()

txtSpoolsOnBackOrder.Text = intBackOrder.ToString("d")

decShipping = ShippingCharges()

txtShippingHandling.Text = decShipping.ToString("c")

txtTotalDue.Text = decTotalDue.ToString("c")

decSpoolsTotal = ReadyToShip() * 100D

decTotalDue = ShippingCharges() + decSpoolsTotal

intSpoolInStock = GetInStock()

intSpoolReadyShip = (intSpoolInStock)+(intSpoolsOrdered)

txtSpoolsReadyToShip.Text = intSpoolReadyShip.ToString

intSpoolsOnBackOrder = (intSpoolsOrdered) - (intSpoolInStock)

txtSpoolsOnBackOrder.Text = intSpoolsOnBackOrder.ToString

End Sub

Private Sub btnClear_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnClear.Click

' This procedure resets the controls to default values

ChkRushDelivery.Checked = False






End Sub

Private Sub btnExit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnExit.Click

' End the application


End Sub

Function ShippingCharges() As Decimal

' This function returns the cost of shipping.

Dim decTotalShipping As Decimal ' Holds the total shipping cost

'Dim decSpoolsTotal As Decimal ' Holds the total cost of spools ordered

'Dim decTotalDue As Decimal ' Holds the order total

txtNumberSpoolsOrdered.CausesValidation = False

If ChkRushDelivery.Checked = True Then

decTotalShipping = ReadyToShip() * 15D


decTotalShipping = ReadyToShip() * 10D

End If

Return decTotalShipping

End Function

End Class

Thanks for your help


Thanks,I had a lot more wrong with it than just what you commented My teacher went over it with me step by step. So here is the code now:

Public Class Form1

Function GetInStock() As Integer

Dim intSpoolinStock As Integer = InputBox("Enter the number of spools in stock")

Return intSpoolinStock

End Function

Function ReadyToShip(ByVal intSpoolinStock As Integer, ByVal intSpoolsOrdered AS Integer) As Integer

If intSpoolinStock intSpoolsOrdered Then

Return intSpoolsOrdered


Return intSpoolinStock

End If

End Function

Function BackOrdered(intSpoolinStock AS Integer, intSpoolsOrdered As Integer) As Integer

Dim intSpoolsOnBackOrder As Integer

If intSpoolinStock = intSpoolsOrdered Then

intSpoolsOnBackOrder = 0


intSpoolsOnBackOrder = (intSpoolsOrdered - intSpoolinStock)

End If

Return intSpoolsOnBackOrder


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