May 2021 2 40 Report
Why is my hamster so.. different?

So I just got a male Syrian hamster the other day. His name is Charlie. I know all the basics: clean his cage once a week, change his food/water everyday, how to hold him, etc. so there's no need to tell me all that.

I was reading up on games to play with hamsters, and I found one where you can put your hamster in an empty bathtub with the drain plug in, and put treats around the bathtub, and your hamster will run and eat them. So I did that and Charlie just started jumping up at the sides, like he wanted to get out, and he hadn't eaten right before or anything!

Whenever I play with him he runs away, so I have to grab him and it doesn't seem like he likes me.

Also, he never runs on his wheel in his cage, or chews on the cardboard tube that I put in there. :( Why is he like this?

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