May 2021 3 94 Report
DWAI while under liberax and ambien?

i was pulled over at about 1209 they said i had taken a liberax and ambien right before i let my house since i was going literay a total of 5 mins away round trip. was pulled over for "blowing a stop sign" which i know didnt do due ti its location to my house where i was pulled over if i had blown it i would have crashed into my neighbors car... but regardless to MP 10 mins to get out of his car to get my info, Still didnt tell me what i was pulled over for. then another 15 min go by and i get out to try to figure out why i was being pulled over, they threatened to arrest me and still didnt tell me why i was being pulled over! another 15 goes by and did this again but this time they yell i blew the stop sign, now happy i knew what i was sitting there for i got back in my car, waited another 15-20 and they had a colorado springs oficer get me out of the car and do the sobtiety test, i fsiled the balance part(obviously the ambien had started doing its job. i had drinkin that night but stoped at 9 yet she said i blew a .089, got arrested affter my 20 observation i did the real test and blew a .067, they then took the blood test about an hour later after they did all the paperwork and what not.

my question is would the liberax and or ambien afected the BAC and are either of those drugs traceable and if so what about if you have the scripts or them. i just dont understand how my BAC could have varried so fast in so little time.


And the other test is the one that they have in the station that makes you blow for like 5 seconds then does it again mins later this is the one that poped .067

the feild breathalizer she said read me at .089 and is why i was taken to the station to take the real one, who process took like 30 mins since station is like a mile away i live on a military base.

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