May 2021 9 62 Report
Moms - how much do you schedule your life around your young kids?

I'm just curious to know as I'm sure there are a variety of answers. I have an almost 18 month old and another on the way. As far as our church family goes, there are a TON of young parents like us, but the couples we know the best don't have kids yet. I find that we are often saying no to invitations from our friends because it would be a late dinner situation and our son NEEDS to be in bed around his 8pm bedtime. Now, we do have people over OUR house where we can just put our son to bed and play cards or something after, but we just hate messing up our schedule (what will we do when THEY have kids?). It's the same with naptime (he only sleeps in his bed in his room), or mealtimes... food we bring along for a day out but it generally involves a cooler and a booster chair, bib, accessories, etc, so for the little things we just say, "Can we do this another time?" (like, in 20 years when we're done having kids?)

I know for familes with both older and younger kids you are likely to give me the answer that, "the youngest are just used to being flexible." Yet I've also heard of families who gave that answer til they have yet another baby who just doesn't agree that flexible is good.

The thing is, for us, we don't mind it. We aren't super social to begin with and we love hanging out at home (we'd much rather get take-out and rent a movie than go to a restaurant and a theater), but our friends are the opposite (it's been a whole week!), and so the amount of time we actually do see them works out to our liking. What are other families like in this regard?


To alicialions and those who feel the same: I've gotten that answer a LOT. I'd say especially from my sister who had her first two kids before I had mine. Then she had her third child and has had to eat her words. Newborns and older children aside, some children just DO NOT SLEEP unless in their bed with their fan going, etc. When my sis-in-law got married, my son was still used to 2 naps a day and got NONE (we tried) even after not getting much sleep the night before at Grandma's. He finally fell asleep at like 10pm only to wake up 10 minutes later... that sort of thing is the norm for whenever we are away from home. It's not for lack of trying. We just say yes to the important (family) occasions and say, "a different time" for our friends who just want to hang out.

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