May 2021 7 110 Report
Why doesn't Nickelodeon understand?

Why doesn't Nickelodeon realize that we hate the new shows and want the old Nickelodeon 90's shows back? Why can't they start airing it again? Don't they know how many people they will make happy? They would get more views than than they probably already do now! They're probably like, "Oh well the kids from the 90's are all grown up now, they're not going to watch cartoons, and if we put them on, more kids will want the new shows back because they've adapted and grew up with it." Well guess what? Your television shows are so bad that even little kids would want you to air the old classic Nickelodeon cartoons. It's all about the money now, right Nick? I hope you're proud of yourselves Nick, because you've disappointed more than a million people that grew up with the classics. Don't you already have enough money? And if you're going to use all your money on making new shows, then air the old Nick cartoons atleast. You wasted your money on Icarly, Bucket and skinner, Victorious, Fanboy and Chum Chum, (Fan boy and chum chum really was a fail, go google fanboy and chum chum fan reviews. The show's rating is a 2.5, and they still air it on NickToons. Worst excuse of a cartoon.) How to rock, Big Time Rush, T.U.F.F Puppy, and others... The only shows that are worth to watch are Spongebob. That is it. I know, that's sad, isn't it? You can only air one good cartoon on Nickelodeon? What the heck is wrong with you Nick? Now you're airing Fred: The show? See, I hate how you take a movie that was bad enough to start out with, but you even ruined it more with The sequel Fred 2, and then you make a show? Nick, you know this is going to be one of those shows that only airs for like a season and then a month later gets cancelled due to low ratings. Just like MR. MEATY. Why would you even make a Fred show? You know it's going to get cancelled in a week and you've already wasted like a million dollars paying Fred and all the other actors. I've seen one episode of it about how he was stuck in a basement. Ok, not bad plot, but they were trying too hard to make you laugh. And his voice... IS SO ANNOYING! It's ok to have like 1 or 2 reality shows, but you took it OVERBOARD! Now all the shows are just: Icarly, Big Time Rush, Victorious, Bucket and Skinner, How to Rock, and Hollywood Heights. 6 REALITY SHOWS. I liked reality shows that preformed skits like You can't do that on Television, All that, and The Amanda Show. Did the original people who runned Nickelodeon die or retire or something? Spongebob changed alot after the movie. It got brighter, Spongebob is just plain annoying now and kinda acts gay sometimes. Patrick is even more dumber than before that it's not even funny. Mr. Krabs is even more stingy and cheap than ever before, and Sandy isn't into Karate anymore, she's more of a science geek. There's too many episodes about Plankton. I feel bad for Squidward because Spongebob and Patrick annoy him so much now. They've run out of so much plots that the only plots they can think of now is Spongebob and Patrick annoying Squidward, or episodes about Plankton.

And what up with the logo? They changed it from a splat to bland orange letters. And sometimes, in the bumpers, they have cartoon characters like Spongebob and Patrick, Forming the logo, With spongebob being the N and I, and Patrick being the C and K. Wtf? And I wanted to contact them on their website, but of course, they didn't have a "Contact us" they only have Terms of Service. They wouldn't have a "Contact us" because they probably knew people were going to rant on and on about why they don't air the old Nickelodeon Cartoons and shows and they just didn't want to deal with that.

But nothing's going to change. That's how life is I guess now. As time goes on and on, everything is supposedley going to get newer, but newer isn't better.

Oh and do you think Nickelodeon knows that there's a bunch of people that hate the new Nickelodeon?


@danny Well of course money is the concern, but I think it should be their job to please their viewers and get paid, not to just show stupid shows and get paid. They're so corrupt and they're ruining Nickelodeon. The new creator of Nick obviously doesn't know how to run a channel. The least they can do to even make more profit is have a Nick rewind where they show the reruns of old shows and cartoons. I just wish that they continue making new shows, but not new shows that are stupid and not funny. I mean, they don't have to air the old shows again, but the least they can do is make new classic cartoons that still have the humor that they had back then.

@David Yes, there probably is a new stupid creator that puts on random shows just to get paid. He probably knows the show isn't going to get any views so he just probably makes the creators of the show pay the New creator at Nickelodeon more money so that he still makes a profit while the show would get cancelled in

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