May 2021 6 99 Report
dash hounds and skin issues?

my grandfather recently passed away, and i now have his mini long haired Dotson. she had Original been mine a couple years ago because i had rescued her, but then could not keep her so my grandfather had taken her, she has had skin issues that the vet keeps giving her pills and shots for. i am trying to find a cheaper way to treat it. shes been itching a lol and i am worried shes going to itch so much she will become raw. is there any human shampoos and conditioners that will work good for this? i believe she just has dry skin, my grandmother isn't completely right in the head and every animal that has been in that house has had skin issues because she liked to spray them with febreeze and chemicals to make them smell better. i have had lilly for almost two weeks now, and i really need some advice, i cant afford to bring her to the vets for the shots and pills. so far i have given her a bath with baby shampoo and then sponged her with a water/ apple cider vinegar mix which is supposed to help itching. but now that i think about it wont it also dry her skin out more? ohh and see refuses to eat dog food, no matter what kind i get her she will only eat a few pieces, but if she can get to the cat food she will eat till she is full. this morning i put veg oil and some apple cider vinegar in her food and got her to eat a little bit, but not much :( any advice would be greatly appreciated

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