May 2021 3 72 Report
Headache medicine?

I recently started taking Amitriptyline for migraines, when looking at the information that the pharmacy gave me I noticed it said, weight gain was a side effect. I know this is also prescribed for anxiety and depression, my migraines are caused by stress/anxiety, and that there are other anti-depressants that cause weight gain as well. The problem is, I recently got off of the Depo shot and gained about 15 pounds in the 6 months I was on it. So now I am trying very hard to lose that weight, and don't want to hinder that by taking something that cause me to gain More weight. Has anyone else ever taken this, and suffered weight gain? Or does anyone know of another medicine that has worked for them for stressed induced migraines?

I have already tried Topamax for my headaches, and that didn't help.



They thought about doing something like that, for the onset of them, but I usually get them every day because they are stress induced, so my doctor wanted to try something for prevention rather than once I already have one. I have had phenegren (sp??) before but it makes me sleepy

Update 3: doctor just called me back and said, that it is not a normal side effect, weight gain, and if anything it should help me lose weight because it speeds up your Central Nervous system! Yay!

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