May 2021 4 63 Report
Is my laptop underperforming?

Intel Core i7-2670QM CPU @2.2GHz

8GB of RAM


These are my specs, and i feel like my computer is underpreforming, i have to play league of legends and World of Warcraft on the lowest settings and i usually get 30 fps. If alot of things are going on at one time in World of Warcraft, sometimes it gets to the point of like im watching a powerpoint. My friend has a very old pc that doesnt have a dual core processor even and he gets almost as many FPS as me. I dont know what the problem might be, the only idea i have is that when i play the computer gets very hot, so i ordered a cooling pad and used compressed air to get any dust out. But besides this I have no idea.


Thanks for all the advice, I'm bringing it to geek squad for a tune up in December since i have no idea how to clean it. I know all my drivers are updated because i use the GeForce Experience and it automatically tells me when there are new drivers available. I also recently checked my fragmentation and it was only at 3 % so i didn't defrag. I'm thinking now that it has to be dusty on the inside, especially because i used to have two pets. that is why i am having it cleaned. Thanks Everyone.

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