May 2021 2 36 Report
underage drinking and disorderly conduct in minnesota cont...?

was at a party at one of my friends' houses recently that got busted and I received a ticket for illegal acts (underage drinking) but then after i received my ticket I went to sit down to wait for all of the other kids to get their tickets.. While this was going on, my friend, who's house the party was at just started going crazy. He started chucking things and swearing, breaking items all over the house. So I went over to calm him down and talk to him and the next thing I know I get arrested for disorderly conduct and I get booked in jail under a release when sober. My friend was 17 years old at the time and I had just turned 18 a little under two months before this event and I'm a senior in high school, a 3.8 GPA in high school, never been sent down to the office, no behavioral problems in my life. My family took this to a lawyer and we are fought the disorderly conduct. The lawyer then plea bargained with the prosecuting attorney and my lawyer told me "that he convinced her that my time in jail and paying my fine was enough punishment," and they agreed to drop the disorderly charge. So I was under the impression I would just have to pay a fine and move on with my life. Then, yesterday I received a letter from the court house saying I had 6 months of supervised probation.. which means probation for the rest of my senior year. So I'm lost in why I have to go on probation because I feel in the first place that the only crime I committed was underage drinking. Also, my friend received an underage drinking ticket at the same time as I did and just had to pay a fine. So I'm confused on so many different levels so any help would be nice! I was also wondering the conditions of supervised probation as well.. Thanks!

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