Should I take AP Physics C or Hon Span III? I only have 1 other AP class that I'm taking next year, which AP Computer Science, and I have taken absolutely no other AP classes in high school. And I'm a senior next year. Possibly screwed.
I can either:
-Drop Honors Spanish 3 (and not have 3 years of a foreign language).
-Not do anything to my schedule (and only have taken 1 AP class in my high school career)
-Drop Engineering Applications (and end my streak of taking the engineering pathway, which is taking engineering classes every year and I think I was told that that's pretty good. I also won't have a class with this teacher who has been nominating me for awards and programs and stuff and basically helping me out a lot. (Although I'll be vice president in the school club he sponsors.)
-Other(summer school or something)
What would you do?
Let's say I'm trying to get into Georgia Tech or UGA.
Thanks in advance for the advice.
Update:I have like a 3.833 as of 1st semester junior year (probably went up since I got all A's last semester of the school year).
I got all A's and B's freshman year, all A's sophomore and junior year.
Track&Field freshman year.
Various other clubs.
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Definitely look into a summer program and stick to engineering. You can learn Spanish on the side too. Since you haven't taken AP courses before, you might be putting too much on your plate all at once to try to do two at the same time. It's really up to how much you can handle, but taking one and making good grades is probably more impressive than taking two and failing one while getting mediocre grades in the other. You only have 24 hours in the day, and you need adequate sleep in order to store memories long term so you can do well on the tests as well as retain the knowledge for life.
Don't drop Engineering Applications.
Either don't do anything to your schedule or drop Honors Spanish 3.
Here is a site with a list of some summer engineering programs for high school students:
Or you could study abroad:
This way you can put your Spanish to the test while at the same time learning engineering over the summer.
If you've had/will take Calculus: Keep Engineering and AP Physics C. Spanish III is something you can easily do online or with some self-discipline, learn on your own. Not the case with AP Physics. That way, you can keep all the courses you want. Plus, if you are doing the engineering pathway physics is probably something you'd enjoy, as opposed to Spanish (it seems you are taking it just to look good for colleges, not because you enjoy the language).
If you have not/will not take Calculus: AP Physics C will be torture without calculus knowledge, so you should drop it and keep Spanish for your own sanity.
Besides, 3 years of a foreign language isn't a big deal to colleges. Most require 2, and like seeing 4, but there isn't a huge difference between 2 years or 3 in the eyes of colleges.