Caffeine is a common ingredient in many prescription and over-the-counter headache medications. Caffeine additives make pain-relievers 40% more effective in treating headaches. Caffeine also helps the body absorb headache medications more quickly, bringing faster relief. By adding caffeine and, in turn, taking less medication, you can reduce the risk for potential side effects and possible drug addiction.
so in some cases yes caffein does work but in combination with pain pills like excedrin. Excedrin does have caffeine in their medication.
It can. But it is a fine line, sometimes it makes them worse..if you have too much. I get migraines. First think when i feel one coming...I get a cup of coffee. It helps alot of the time.
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Yes, it can. Caffeine will make more blood flow to your brain, open up the blood vessels. So it can help.
Caffeine is a common ingredient in many prescription and over-the-counter headache medications. Caffeine additives make pain-relievers 40% more effective in treating headaches. Caffeine also helps the body absorb headache medications more quickly, bringing faster relief. By adding caffeine and, in turn, taking less medication, you can reduce the risk for potential side effects and possible drug addiction.
so in some cases yes caffein does work but in combination with pain pills like excedrin. Excedrin does have caffeine in their medication.
Hope this helped you out.
I never get headaches but I hardly drink anything with caffeine in it sooooo it may be true what I heard,,,,that caffein can give you a headache
It would seem it does seems how almost all Over the Counter headache pain relief has caffine as one of the active ingredients.
I take Excedrin for my headaches and it lists caffine.
Yes, it´s used in some popular products 4 headaches.
In Brazil we have product named Cafiaspirina, that is a mix of cafein and aspirin.
It´s very effective, acording to my friends. I can´t say that because I don´t have headaches. I just don´t remember the last time I had it.
Thank god.
I say yes, it is in Excedrin and those will kick a headache right away.
Usually it makes my headaches worse, actually.
It can. But it is a fine line, sometimes it makes them worse..if you have too much. I get migraines. First think when i feel one coming...I get a cup of coffee. It helps alot of the time.
No, makes them worse.
Unless you have caffiene every day and then DON'T have it- that will cause a headache too.