I am stuck deciding between SLP and working with computers. I m a 30y.o. INFJ female
I m not very experienced in programming but I know that if I decided to go for a career in programming I would dedicate myself to it because that s just the kind of person I am.
Pros of programming: -I enjoy learning languages -Making things work is pretty exciting. I love comparing projects on Khan Academy with my husband. -As an introvert, I get exhausted being around people all the time. -Salary is a plus. -Plenty of jobs. -I could get a second bachelors very easily/quickly/cheaply through WGU (They have a software dev degree but will also be adding a CS degree in June -yay-)
Pros of SLP: -healthcare and education have always interested me -I love helping people (although it takes a toll on me, as I am an introvert sensitive to other peoples suffering)
I don t know the cons of programming yet but for SLP.... -I would have to go for a second bachelors degree THEN try to get into a grad school. Grad school is very competitive and very expensive. Many people have 3.7 GPA or higher and still get turned away. -I hear about many people having trouble finding full time work. -Most SLPs work in schools afterwards. School jobs can pay very little (45k salary when you just went into 80k debt...or more) This is the biggest thing that it making me nervous... I m afraid to be in that big of debt and not have the salary to pay for the education. -I would be in school for at least after 4 years.
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Answers & Comments
You named as a pro of programming that you enjoy learning languages. I would warn against the assumption that programming is like languages. Most programmers rather view it as mathematics.
It's strange because I like working with people. I have actually never worked at a job where I didn't work with people (most recently teaching, before that I was a teaching assistant, CNA and PCT in the ICU). That being said, I feel exhausted after working having to be with people all day. I guess it's typical with my type (INFJ). We are helpers but we stress ourselves out because we are introvert and we are sensitive.
Based on the information that you provided, programming might be better for you. The down sides of programming are that it will probably be somewhat boring and you will be with a lot of men who might not treat women as equals. But, you also might not have any problems.
You have to think about the kind of work that would make you happy. Programming means you'll be spending all day sitting behind a computer. That may be fine for an introvert. I know an introvert who's an SLP- she works in a hospital, and does most of her work with older people. I don't know how much she makes, but I do know that she didn't go into debt getting her master's degree- possibly because there's a good program at her local state university. But SLP's work with people, and if that's not something you enjoy, then it might not be a good choice for you.