I want to get a puppy....But, I'm not sure if my "schedule" is too hectic for a dog what do you think?? I want to be able to spend time with the puppy & train it since I know a dog is a lot of responsibility and work.
Classes: 11:30 AM - 3:00 PM
Meeting: 4PM - 5PM
Meeting: 6PM - 7PM
Classes: 10AM - 1PM
Work: 3PM - 7PM
Classes: 11:30 - 3PM
Meeting: 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Meeting: 7PM - 8PM
Classes:10AM - 1PM
Meeting: 7PM - 8PM
Friday: Classes: 11:30AM - 1PM
Work: 4PM - 8PM
Saturday: Work 3PM - 9PM
Sunday: Off
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Answers & Comments
I would say no for the puppy. Maybe an older, already house trained ADULT dog (medium sized, low energy). But then you're still not around quite a good bit of each day.
Mondays you would only have the morning and lat evening to train/exercise. Tuesdays early morning and late evening. Wednesdays early morning, a little bit in the afternoon, and late evening. Thursdays early morning, afternoon, late evening. Friday early morning, little bit of afternoon, late evening.
Saturdays and Sundays are okay, though providing you don't mind walking the dog late evening on Saturday.
Keep in mind you would HAVE to put aside time for homework, projects, papers, etc. Then a social life. Family stuff. You would not be able to sleep in much and would have to stay up late some nights. Exercise will ALWAYS be needed, and you should set aside a few days a week to socialize/train the dog.
I would just wait until your schedule is a bit freer. My schedule (on a hectic day) doesn't keep me away from home for more than six/seven hours (total) and i never let it get that way for more than once or two days a week (those days my dog may go to "daycare.") I usually don't work while i'm in school and i try to keep my classes back to back.
Yours just seems too much for a pup. They need to be let out every hour or so while potty training, and need tons of socialization. Again, you may be able to work it out with an adult dog if you're willing to do "daycare" on days when you won't be home as often.
OMG you sound just like me- schedule wise. However, we have a senior dog, and shes totally trained and doesn't mind being home alone for a while as long as we shower her with attention when we get home :)
We were seriously considering getting a puppy, but then we realized it would be best to wait until the summer time, once I'm done with this semester.
So, if you truly have your heart set on getting a puppy, the best thing to do is to read and watch anything by cesar millan (dog whisperer) for the next 12 weeks (semester is done and youre schedule obligations gets cut in half!!!), make sure the breed you choose fits your life style, learn how to properly train your dog right from the very beginning (all spring and summer- so you'll have appx 4-5 months) so by the time fall semester comes around, your pup should be potty trained and in a routine.
Then schedule your classes on tue and thurs (to allow more days off to be home more often), and adjust your life to be able to love and care for your baby!!! You might consider getting two smaller dogs (dogs are naturally pack animals- though youre the leader) to keep themselves entertained once you start school again in the fall.
It can be possible, but doing it right now would only cause you tons of stress at home, work and school. School is your first priority- a puppy will challenge that.
Just prepare yourself as well as you can, figure out if you can afford it, and be honest with yourself as to whether its a good time in your life to have a dog... until they're older, its like having a perpetual 5 year old child (or so ive heard)
I'm sorry, but there is no way it would be fair for you to get a puppy right now.
I'm not sure if you realize... but puppies can take up to months to house train - and during that process, they need to "go potty" as often as every 30 minutes! And in order to train them successfully, it is crucial that you be around nearly 24/7 to train them. Otherwise you are setting them up for failure.
You might consider getting an adult dog, but even still, it is unfair to keep a dog locked up inside for hours while you are going during the day.
Wow, you have a lot of meetings. Getting a puppy requires a lot of time on both your parts. You need to train him and socialize him. One thing you can do is get a dog sitter, but if you want to bond with your puppy, then change your schedule or wait until you retire. It won't be fair to that poor, alone, little guy (girl).
I don't really think so you won't have much time with the pup maybe when your 'schedule gets better and have more time where the puppy stays at the yes' many dogs get very upset when alone and since you said you wanted to train it etc.. then no.
When u get a puppy, u have to take it out EVERY hr to go potty and stuff, so if ur not gna have any help, i recommend that u dont
I dont think you have enough time for a puppy.
i think you dont have time for a puppy